So you have a picture in your head. You can see it. From a variety of angles. What it looks like laying flat, how it stands, how it will work when it becomes real.
Of course, things we build start out as pictures in our minds and in many cases just sketching out some lines and words is enough to work out the dimensions, the layout, how it will look. Enough to show someone else what it will look like.
Software can get pretty complex, though. Will the developer across the world understand what your squiggle means? Will the guy who has to maintain the software three years from now? Luckily, engineers and others have studied how humans model things and the techniques they developed can be useful for both thinking through ideas thoroughly and communicating them in an unambiguous way to others. Universal Modelling Language is such a technique, a standard way to model and communicate software ideas.
UML defines standard ways of diagramming, which is probably its most used -- and useful -- contribution. The problem is there seems to be a pretty wide gulf between a simple napkin sketch and UML and it's 13 (!) types of diagrams (and thick instructional books).
It doesn't have to be that way, though. In my opinion the most useful aspects of UML boil down to some fairly simple bare essentials readily gleaned from examples which I attempt to provide in the following presentation.
It's true that refactoring is all the rage with the programming fashionistas. But really, is it ever advantageous to not take a little time to think things through? With a few basics UML can be a pretty useful napkin.